Sony Xperia Z1、Z Ultra釋出安卓4.3升級版本 - SOGI手機王 Sony Mobile 昨日(12/16)開放針對旗下智慧型 手機 Sony Xperia Z1、Xperia Z Ultra 提供 Android 4.3 升級 ...
Sony Xperia Z 評測 | Daily Jestso 著數網 做為 Sony 第一款 5 吋旗艦級手機,外型質感上有許多突破以往的亮點,觀察核心硬體的發展,現階段市場上呈現驚人的一致性,Android 從去年底以來多款搭載四核心的旗艦機種,皆採用了 Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro APQ8064 晶片方案,RAM 大小也不約而同 ...
Xperia Z - - Sony Corporation of Hong Kong Limited 售價: HK$2,998 現凡購買Xperia Z,即可免費獲贈以下配件。 附送配件1: 屏幕保護貼 現凡購買Xperia Z,即可享優惠價加購優惠配件*。 升級優惠1: +HK$99 購買 Xperia Z 專用底座 (原價HK$298) 升級優惠2: +HK$390 購買SRS-BTV5 NFC 藍牙揚聲器(原價HK ...
Walkman Z 4.0.4升級全紀錄 - MEDGAZER - 痞客邦PIXNET 2013年3月29日 - 是的,其實早在2012/12/05 SONY官方便已發布給Walkman Z使用 ... 差距,應可知現今流通最為廣泛,也最為便利的格式為FLAC,理由有以下數點:.
Big Album (6.0.A.0.26) and WALKMAN (8.3.A.0.2) update ... 2014年4月23日 - Sony has pushed out a big update for its Album and WALKMAN applications, showcasing a new ..... Next post: Xperia Z's KitKat firmware (10.5.
WALKMAN app gets crash/bug-fixing update to build 8.3.A.0.5 2014年5月2日 - The WALKMAN application for Sony Xperia handsets has been updated to ... It still doesn't fix sound enhancement FC on my Jellybean Z Ultra.
[Update]:Sony Walkman Z-series now has ICS - Anything But iPod I caught wind of this on another website (can't recall which one) and had to look for myself. Check out the two links below:
Download Walkman app version 8.1.A.0.3 update on Xperia ... 2013年12月27日 - A.0.3 and Walkman app version 8.0.A.0.4 update which were seen a few days back before Sony rolled android 4.3 update on Xperia Z series.
[UPDATE] Album, Walkman & Movies OTA Upd… | Xperia Z | XDA Forum ... Hi guys, Today I got OTA updates for the Album and Walkman updates and low and behold, NO MORE LAG! Smooth like butter. At least within ...